Homeroom with Education Leaders | After the Bell Rings: Shaping Policy for Out-of-School Learning





Join The @Hunt_Institute on 5/16 for an #EdHomeroom webinar on the critical role that after-school and out-of-school programs play in supporting students and families. Register here: https://ow.ly/v0KO50RtBa5 

On 5/16, Dr. Deanna Townsend-Smith, Kristy Brown, and Zelda Waymer will lead an #EdHomeroom webinar with The @Hunt_Institute on shaping policy for out-of-school learning! Register here to attend: https://ow.ly/v0KO50RtBa5 


According to The Hunt Institute’s Across the Aisle survey research, 90 percent of voters believe that after-school and/or summer learning opportunities would be very helpful to students moving forward. With extensive research showing that after-school programs play a vital role in supporting academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall well-being, it is no surprise that districts and states are investing resources in these programs to support students, recover lost learning time, and more.  

Join The Hunt Institute on 5/16 for a deep dive into the critical role that after-school and out-of-school programs play in supporting students and families, and a discussion about the potential challenges that may arise as budgets continue to tighten. 

Register here to attend: https://ow.ly/v0KO50RtBa5 

#Education #EducationMatters #K12 #EdHomeroom 


Hi (name), 

According to The Hunt Institute’s Across the Aisle survey research, 90 percent of voters believe that after-school and/or summer learning opportunities would be very helpful to students moving forward. With extensive research showing that after-school programs play a vital role in supporting academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall well-being, it is no surprise that districts and states are investing resources in these programs to support students, recover lost learning time, and more.  

Join The Hunt Institute on 5/16 for a deep dive into the critical role that after-school and out-of-school programs play in supporting students and families, and a discussion about the potential challenges that may arise as budgets continue to tighten. 

Panelists include: 

  • Dr. Deanna Townsend-Smith, Senior Director, Dudley Flood Center for Education Equity and Opportunity
  • Kristy Brown, Chief Academic Officer, Tennessee Department of Education
  • Zelda Waymer, President and Chief Executive Officer, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance

Register here to attend: https://ow.ly/v0KO50RtBa5 

See you there!  

