Early Efforts and Race & Education | Women of Color Leading Early Childhood Education



Mark your calendars! On 8/19, The @Hunt_Institute will host an expert panel on women of color leading early childhood education as part of their #EarlyEfforts and #RaceAndEducation webinar series. Register here to attend: https://ow.ly/RUPz50SMCeq 

Excited to hear Stephanie Johnson, @DrAsh_4ECE, and @MCMILLIANT discuss women of color leading early childhood education on 8/19 as part of The @Hunt_Institute’s #EarlyEfforts and #RaceAndEducation series. Register here to attend: https://ow.ly/RUPz50SMCeq 


Early Efforts and Race & Education are joining together to present a webinar on early childhood education leaders who are women of color. Early Childhood Education as a profession was started by women of color.  

Join us on 8/19 as we focus on how these women are paving the way for a future generation of leaders. 

Register here: https://ow.ly/RUPz50SMCeq  

#EarlyEducation #Education


Hi (name),

Early Efforts and Race & Education are joining together to present a webinar on early childhood education leaders who are women of color. Early Childhood Education as a profession was started by women of color.

Join us on 8/19 as we focus on how these women are paving the way for a future generation of leaders. 

Panelists include:

  • Stephanie Johnson, First Grade Teacher and Owner, School House Rap
  • Dr. Ashley Williams, Vice President of Programs, Jumpstart and BlackECE
  • Tonia McMillian, Co-Founder, BlackECE

Register here: https://ow.ly/RUPz50SMCeq

See you there!

