Homeroom with Education Leaders | Social Media Kit | February 2022

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Despite being published almost 40 years ago, “A Nation at Risk” is still impacting #EdPolicy today. On 2/8, @Hunt_Institute & @edudreamorg discuss the resulting reforms to our ed system. @DePaulU @DPU_Hum_Ctr @OUSDNews @Michelle_Oliva1 Register: https://bit.ly/3tmV39F

On 2/8, @Hunt_Institute & @edudreamorg talk the standards-based reform movement, how it has and hasn’t addressed structural #inequities in schools, and what we can do to ensure #equity. @DePaulU @DPU_Hum_Ctr @OUSDNews @Michelle_Oliva1 Register: https://bit.ly/3tmV39F

One of #EdPolicy’s most impactful reports, “A Nation at Risk,” began the standards-based reform movement. On 2/8, @Hunt_Institute & @edudreamorg discuss what the movement did & didn’t do for ed. @DePaulU @DPU_Hum_Ctr @OUSDNews @Michelle_Oliva1 Register: https://bit.ly/3tmV39F


Despite having been published almost 40 years ago, the report, “A Nation at Risk,” is still referenced in #EdPolicy today. The report presented America’s schools as “failing,” and jump-started the standards-based reform movement. On Tuesday, February 8, The Hunt Institute talks implications, especially as it has to do with #EdEquity. Join this conversation with Dr. Horace Hall, DePaul College of Education; Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Oakland Unified School District; and Michelle Oliva, EduDream. Register: https://bit.ly/3tmV39F

Teacher preparation, curriculum and assessment, and accountability measures have been contentious topics in education over the last half century. On Tuesday, February 8, The Hunt Institute talks with Dr. Horace Hall, DePaul College of Education; Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Oakland Unified School District; and Michelle Oliva, EduDream about standards-based reform and its implications on #EdEquity. Register: https://bit.ly/3tmV39F


Despite having been published almost 40 years ago, the report, “A Nation at Risk,” is still referenced in education policy today. The report presented America’s schools as “failing,” and jump-started the standards-based reform movement. This movement places emphasis on teacher preparation, curriculum and assessment, and accountability measures – all of which remain topics of contention among states and education leaders. We thought you’d be interested in joining The Hunt Institute for this conversation on Tuesday, February 8. Panelists include:

You can register here: https://bit.ly/3tmV39F

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