Early Efforts | Early Intervention's Role in Young Children's Development




On 5/3, join Kamilar Moore, Christina Kasprzak, Dr. Mary Beth Bruder, & Mina Hong with The @Hunt_Institute to discuss the role of early intervention. Register: http://ow.ly/xQcs50Irggr

#EarlyEfforts  @HuntEarlyEd @EastersealsChi @ECTACenter @ECPCcenter @StartEarlyorg


May is Early Intervention Awareness Month! Join Kamilar Moore, Christina Kasprzak, Dr. Mary Beth Bruder, & Mina Hong with The @Hunt_Institute. http://ow.ly/xQcs50Irggr

#EarlyEfforts @HuntEarlyEd @EastersealsChi @ECTACenter @ECPCcenter @StartEarlyorg


Excited to hear Kamilar Moore, Christina Kasprzak, Dr. Mary Beth Bruder, & Mina Hong the role of early intervention programs in children’s development! Register: http://ow.ly/xQcs50Irggr

#EarlyEfforts @HuntEarlyEd @EastersealsChi @ECTACenter @ECPCcenter @StartEarlyorg


Early Intervention utilizes a family-centered approach, in which services are provided at home or in other natural environments to support families and caregivers to learn strategies that encourage the growth and development of children with disabilities. Recognizing May is Early Intervention Awareness month, on Tues, 5/3, The Hunt Institute will showcase the importance of early intervention programs through discussion with national experts and program providers Kamilar Moore, Christina Kasprzak, Dr. Mary Beth Brude, and Mina Hong.

Register here: http://ow.ly/xQcs50Irggr


Hi (name),

Recognizing May is Early Intervention Awareness month, on Tuesday, May 3rd, The Hunt Institute will host a webinar showcasing the importance of early intervention programs through discussion with national experts and program providers.

Early Intervention utilizes a family-centered approach, in which services are provided at home or in other natural environments to support families and caregivers to learn strategies that encourage the growth and development of children with disabilities.

Panelists include:

  • Kamilar Moore, Board Member, Easterseals Chicagoland and Rockford
  • Christina Kasprzak, Co-Director, Early Childhood TA Center (ECTA)TA Specialist, DaSy CenterFPG Child Development Institute, UNC Chapel Hill
  • Mary Beth Bruder, Director, UCONN Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, The Early Childhood Personnel Center
  • Mina Hong, Director, Start Early Consulting

You can register for the event here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8rYdTHRDSZezXvOMwZtysg

See you there!
