On 7/12, join The @Hunt_Institute in conversation with Louise Stoney, Monique Reynolds of @QCCGeorgia, & @PaulaMDrew of @EarlyEdMatters as they discuss sharing resources to maximize opportunities for children and families. #earlyefforts Register: http://ow.ly/qv5A50IJ5Fj
High-quality early childhood systems benefit children extensively, but lack of resources can be a severe impediment. On 7/12, experts will join The @Hunt_Institute to discuss a shared service model in supporting child care programs. #earlyefforts Register: http://ow.ly/qv5A50IJ5Fj
How does a shared service model support child care programming? Join Louise Stoney, Monique Reynolds of @QCCGeorgia, & @PaulaMDrew of @EarlyEdMatters along with The @Hunt_Institute on 7/12 as they discuss. #earlyefforts Register: http://ow.ly/qv5A50IJ5Fj
A high-quality early childhood system provides extensive benefits to children’s learning and development but lack of resources can be difficult for child care programs to operate in a functional way. On Tuesday, July 12th, join The Hunt Institute in conversation with Louise Stoney, Monique Reynolds, and Paula Drew as they discuss the benefits of a shared service model in supporting child care program’s operating, expense, and community engagement.
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C_EV2IrwSEWKn1bb-Mz3JQ
Hi (name),
A high-quality early childhood system provides extensive benefits to children’s learning and development but lack of resources can be difficult for child care programs to operate in a functional way.
On Tuesday, July 12th, a panel of national experts will discuss the benefits of a shared service model in supporting child care program’s operating, expense, and community engagement.
Panelists include:
- Louise Stoney, Co-Founder, Opportunities Exchange
- Monique Reynolds, Vice President of ECE Business Support & Sustainability, Quality Child Care for Children
- Paula Drew, Co-Director of Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN), Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA)
You can register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C_EV2IrwSEWKn1bb-Mz3JQ
See you there!