DRIVE Task Force

Supporting Teacher Diversity

In December 2019, over 300 practitioners and stakeholders came together from across the state to highlight the need for, and strategies to develop and sustain, a diverse educator workforce at the Developing a Representative and Inclusive Vision for Education (DRIVE) Summit. During the Summit, Governor Roy Cooper announced Executive Order 113 establishing the DRIVE Task Force.


Developing a Representative and Inclusive Vision for Education

Nationwide, there is a significant disparity between the racial and ethnic diversity of our K-12 educator workforce and that of the student population they serve. Yet, studies show that a diverse educator workforce benefits all students, and especially students of color.

In North Carolina:

  • 53 percent of students are nonwhite, while this is only true of 22 percent of the state’s educators.
  • While the diversity of the teacher workforce is slowly increasing, the student population is diversifying at a much faster rate.
  • North Carolina needs 7,000 new teachers each year, and 81 percent of students enrolled in educator preparation programs are white.

Recognizing that North Carolina’s K-12 teacher population does not reflect the racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity of its student population, The Hunt Institute, the North Carolina Business Committee for Education, and the Office of North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper partnered to hold the DRIVE Summit to draw attention to these disparities and create a forum to discuss issues related to diversifying the educator workforce.

Throughout the day-long Summit, state and national experts and practitioners spoke to the challenges and opportunities facing the state as it relates to recruiting, preparing, supporting, and retaining educators of color. Governor Roy Cooper’s announcement of Executive Order 113 establishing the DRIVE Task Force cemented the state’s commitment to this issue.

Read the Issue Brief and Key Takeaways from The DRIVE Summit below.

Issue Brief

Key Takeaways

2022 DRIVE Summit Action Plan

"Education leaders across the country must broaden the focus of equity in education to include supporting, investing and empowering educators of color.” - Dr. Javaid Siddiqi, President & CEO

The DRIVE Task Force

Following the DRIVE Summit, Governor Cooper appointed 34 members to the task force, representing stakeholder groups across North Carolina’s educator pipeline. The Task Force was charged with creating a plan of action to increase racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity within North Carolina’s educator workforce. This plan, presented to the Governor on January 1, 2021, includes analysis of the current landscape of educator diversity in North Carolina as well as potential strategies, metrics, and funding streams that can be utilized to inform the state’s work in this space moving forward.

The Task Force began its work in May of 2020 and met four times throughout the remainder of the year. The meetings dates and topics were as follows:

  • May 7, 2020: The Landscape, History, and Imperative
  • June 16, 2020: Recruitment
  • August 18, 2020: Preparation
  • October 20, 2020: Support and Retention
  • December 7, 2020: Final Meeting and Approval of Recommendations

Read the Final Report as well as the Issue Briefs and Key Takeaway documents from the four meetings below.

Final Report

Meeting 1: The Landscape, History, and Imperative

Issue Brief

Key Takeaways

Meeting 2: Recruitment

Issue Brief

Key Takeaways

Meeting 3: Preparation

Issue Brief

Key Takeaways

Meeting 4: Support and Retention

Issue Brief

Key Takeaways

Recruitment Resources

Program NameProgram DescriptionInstitution/LocationRegionAudience Served
Edgecomb County Scholar Teachers ProgramThis program is a partnership between Edgecombe County Public Schools and Edgecombe Community College to address high teacher turnover in the district.Edgecombe County North Central Students
Opportunity Culture InitiativeIn the latest round of funding for the state’s Advanced Teaching Roles pilot, the North Carolina State Board of Education awarded grants to three districts that will implement Opportunity Culture roles—Halifax County and Hertford County in eastern North Carolina and Lexington City Schools in Davidson County.Halifax County, Hertford County, Davidson CountyNortheastEducators
Partnership TeachPartnership Teach is the affordable, online degree completion model offered by ECU’s College of Education to increase the number of high-quality teachers in local communities.East Carolina University NortheastStudents
Grow our Own TeachersRichmondCC now has two new associate degrees that will make it easier for aspiring teachers to become part of North Carolina's teacher pipeline. "Growing Our Own" Teachers iniative works with our local school division to find students who dream of teaching right in their home communities.Richmond Community CollegeSandhillsStudents
Dark Horse FellowsDark Horse Fellows is a teacher preparatory program designed to support Clinton High School students with a passion for education. Throughout their time in the program, students gain work experience, mentorship, and work-based learning opportunities. The program targets students from underrepresented populations — meaning students of color and males.Sampson CountySandhillsStudents
PDS Educators of Color NetworkEducators of Color is a collaborative network of current and retired P-12 teachers and school leaders, university faculty and students who, together, envision and facilitate activities to recruit students of color into the teaching profession, retain current educators of color, and engage school partners in advocacy efforts to establish a broader, more diverse network of professionals.UNC-WilmingtonSoutheastEducators
Profound GentlemenProfound Gentlemen's mission is to build a community of male educators of color who provide a profound additional impact on boys of color. They develop, support and retain highly effective male teachers of color across the nation to positively affect the academic achievement of all children in traditional public and charter schools, with particular attention to the achievement of boys of color.Charlotte Mecklenburg County Southwest Educators
Sudents to Teachers Through Educator Pathways (STEP) Statesville High School’s new Students to Teachers Through Educator Pathways program gives students from diverse backgrounds exposure to teaching as a profession. They receive college credit for participating in the yearlong class and honors credit. Students are pictured in their field trip to Western Carolina University.Statesville High School/ Western Carolina University Southwest Students
Teacher Quality Partnership GrantProject TLC brings together three diverse cohorts of 12 teacher candidates, 36 in total, who complete customized curriculum and professional development leading to dual licensure in important subjects. Candidates will receive a $39,000 stipend and go on to teach at one of 12 identified CMS high-need schools, and receive two years of mentorship from a trained new teacher support coach.UNC-CharlotteSouthwest Students
Asheville City Schools Foundation- Black Educators of ExcellenceIn order to create an inclusive and supportive culture for educators, Asheville City Schools Foundation and Asheville County Schools developed a cohort model with robust support for current Black staff and a innovative BIPOC recruitment and retention program. The Black Educator Excellence program includes tuition for current ACS faculty and staff to complete their degrees, cohort meeting expenses, book stipends, and graduation expenses.Asheville Western Educators
Call Me MisterCall Me MiSTER (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role models) at Western Carolina University is dedicated to increasing the pool of available teachers from diverse backgrounds in the Western Carolina region and across the state of North Carolina.Western Carolina UniversityWesternStudents
Grow our Own Teachers of Color in Henderson CountyThis scholarship serves to recruit Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students (current and former) and current HCPS staff (teaching assistants, support personnel) interested in a teaching career, to train, develop and prepare them to return to Henderson County to join the teaching workforce.Henderson County Western Students
2 + 2 Partnership ProgramThe intention of this partnership is for the Roanoke Valley area, consisting of Halifax and Northampton counties, to grow their own teachers.Elizabeth City State UniversityNortheastStudents
Teacher CadetThe program aims to support development of teacher pipeline in Northeast Region of NC. ECSU EPP would provide support and training to high school students interested in the teaching workforce. This program actively recruits males and students of color.Elizabeth City State UniversityNortheastStudents
Pitt County Schools Educator Fellows ScholarshipCreated in efforts to grow your own teacher support development of teacher pipeline in the county.Pitt County SchoolsNortheastStudents
ECU's TFA PartnershipTeacher residency program designed to recruit, develop, and support diverse educator workforce in high needs areas.East Carolina UniversityNortheastStudents
Charlotte- Project LIFTThis is a partnership between The Cato College of Education, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Office of International Programs – funded by the Teacher Quality Partnership Grant. This residency program aims to attract a diverse group of teacher candidates to teach at one of 12 identified CMS high-need schools, and receive two years of mentorship from a trained new teacher support coach.Charlotte Mecklenburg County SouthwestStudents
(ABBS, ACC, Elon Partnership)Designed to create a sustainable and diverse teacher pipeline in the county’s public schools. Students will complete two years at ACC then two at Elon. ABSS students and students already enrolled in ACC are eligible for the program.  Alamance Community CollegeNorth Central Students
Profound LadiesProfound Ladies recruits and retains Black, Indigenous, Women of Color and then equip women with the mentorship, training, leadership and career development pathways so their students will experience the impact of a thriving woman of color leading in classrooms, schools and communities. StatewideAllEducators
Marathon Teaching Institute (MTI)Designed to address the shortage of males of color in various education positions. This program provides students with financial assistance, peer-to-peer social and academic support, instructional support for licensure exams, job assistance upon graduation, mentoring, and networking opportunities.North Carolina Central UniversityNorth CentralStudents
North Carolina Teaching FellowsThis program allows teacher candidates to attend one of the eight select EPP in the state (Elon, FSU, Meredith, NCAT, NCSU, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, and UNCP), receive financial assistance, provides networking opportunities, as well as individualized coaching and professional development.Statewide AllStudents
Leadership Institute for Future Teachers (LIFT)The Leadership Institute for Future Teachers (LIFT) is a five-day, invitational program for students of color and bilingual students who are rising high school seniors in North Carolina and who are interested in enhancing their leadership skills and exploring a potential career in educationStatewideAllStudents
Jeanes Fellows ProgramThis program is a partnership between Dudley Flood Center and The Innovation Project (TIP). This program is designed to provide “consistent and intentional infrastructure to support community-school relationships using an equity lens”, utilizing a cohort model approach to support recruiting and retaining teachers of color.StatewideAllEducators
NC Teacher CadetThis program is an in-state teacher recruitment and leadership program designed to establish a healthy pipeline of diverse and high qualified educators. Teacher Cadet is implemented in cooperation with public school districts in North Carolina. This program is a structured course of study that gives students a positive and realistic view of the educational profession. StatewideAllStudents
Profound GentlemenOrganization committed to building community of male TOC who provide profound impact on boys of color. They aim to develop, support, and retain male TOC.StatewideAllEducators
Waston College of Education, Educators of Color NetworkEducators of Color is a collaborative network of current and retired P-12 teachers and school leaders, university faculty and students who, together, envision and facilitate activities to recruit students of color into the teaching profession, retain current educators of color, and engage school partners in advocacy efforts to establish a broader, more diverse network of professionals.North Carolina Central UniversityNorth CentralSchool Leaders

Preparation Resources

Program NameProgram DescriptionInstitution/LocationRegionAudience Served
Edgecomb County Scholar Teachers ProgramThis program is a partnership between Edgecombe County Public Schools and Edgecombe Community College to address high teacher turnover in the district.Edgecombe County North Central Students
Partnership TeachPartnership Teach is the affordable, online degree completion model offered by ECU’s College of Education to increase the number of high-quality teachers in local communities.East Carolina UniversityNortheastStudents
WGU North Carolina Partnership AgreementTeacher assistants who are interested in earning bachelor’s degrees that lead to teacher licensure can now take advantage of a new scholarship opportunity offered through a partnership with WGU's Teachers College.Ashe CountyNorthwest Educators
Grow our Own TeachersRichmondCC now has two new associate degrees that will make it easier for aspiring teachers to become part of North Carolina's teacher pipeline. "Growing Our Own" Teachers iniative works with our local school division to find students who dream of teaching right in their home communities.Richmond Community CollegeSandhillsStudents
Dark Horse FellowsDark Horse Fellows is a teacher preparatory program designed to support Clinton High School students with a passion for education. Throughout their time in the program, students gain work experience, mentorship, and work-based learning opportunities. The program targets students from underrepresented populations — meaning students of color and males.Sampson CountySandhillsStudents
PDS Educators of Color NetworkEducators of Color is a collaborative network of current and retired P-12 teachers and school leaders, university faculty and students who, together, envision and facilitate activities to recruit students of color into the teaching profession, retain current educators of color, and engage school partners in advocacy efforts to establish a broader, more diverse network of professionals.UNC-WilmingtonSoutheastEducators
Profound GentlemenProfound Gentlemen's mission is to build a community of male educators of color who provide a profound additional impact on boys of color. They develop, support and retain highly effective male teachers of color across the nation to positively affect the academic achievement of all children in traditional public and charter schools, with particular attention to the achievement of boys of color.Charlotte Mecklenburg CountySouthwestEducators
Teacher Quality Partnership GrantProject TLC brings together three diverse cohorts of 12 teacher candidates, 36 in total, who complete customized curriculum and professional development leading to dual licensure in important subjects. Candidates will receive a $39,000 stipend and go on to teach at one of 12 identified CMS high-need schools, and receive two years of mentorship from a trained new teacher support coach.UNC-CharlotteSouthwest Students
Asheville City Schools Foundation- Black Educators of ExcellenceIn order to create an inclusive and supportive culture for educators, Asheville City Schools Foundation and Asheville County Schools developed a cohort model with robust support for current Black staff and a innovative BIPOC recruitment and retention program. The Black Educator Excellence program includes tuition for current ACS faculty and staff to complete their degrees, cohort meeting expenses, book stipends, and graduation expenses.Asheville Western Educators
Call Me MisterCall Me MiSTER (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role models) at Western Carolina University is dedicated to increasing the pool of available teachers from diverse backgrounds in the Western Carolina region and across the state of North Carolina.Western Carolina UniversityWesternStudents
Grow our Own Teachers of Color in Henderson CountyThis scholarship serves to recruit Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students (current and former) and current HCPS staff (teaching assistants, support personnel) interested in a teaching career, to train, develop and prepare them to return to Henderson County to join the teaching workforce.Henderson CountyWesternStudents
2 + 2 Partnership ProgramThe intention of this partnership is for the Roanoke Valley area, consisting of Halifax and Northampton counties, to grow their own teachers.  Elizabeth City State UniversityNortheastStudents
Teacher CadetThe program aims to support development of teacher pipeline in Northeast Region of NC. ECSU EPP would provide support and training to high school students interested in the teaching workforce. This program actively recruits males and students of color.Elizabeth City State University NortheastStudents
ECU's TFA PartnershipTeacher residency program designed to recruit, develop, and support diverse educator workforce in high needs areas.East Carolina University NortheastStudents
NCSU Educational Leadership Academy (NELA)This program seeks to increase student achievement by preparing and retaining principals in high-poverty, hard-to-staff, and historically low-performing schools. North Carolina State University North Central School Leadership
First American Teacher Education Program (FATE)The goal of this program is to increase the number of highly qualified American Indian teachers who will teach in schools with significant American Indian student populations - through a comprehensive strategy that will include licensure preparation and induction support.UNC-PembrokeSandhillsStudents
(ABBS, ACC, Elon Partnership)Designed to create a sustainable and diverse teacher pipeline in the county’s public schools. Students will complete two years at ACC then two at Elon. ABSS students and students already enrolled in ACC are eligible for the program.Alamance Community CollegeNorth CentralStudents
PPEERS- Principal Preparation for Excellence in Equity in Rural Schools ProgramThe PPEERS Program is a cohort-based program designed to cultivate skills that research indicates are key for principals in high-needs schools: instructional leadership, including data use and supervision, distributive leadership, talent management, including cultivation of effective team, change leadership, building a positive school culture and promoting equity.UNCGPiedmont-TriadEducators, School Leaders
Profound LadiesProfound Ladies recruits and retains Black, Indigenous, Women of Color and then equip women with the mentorship, training, leadership and career development pathways so their students will experience the impact of a thriving woman of color leading in classrooms, schools and communities.StatewideAllEducators
Marathon Teaching Institute (MTI)Designed to address the shortage of males of color in various education positions. This program provides students with financial assistance, peer-to-peer social and academic support, instructional support for licensure exams, job assistance upon graduation, mentoring, and networking opportunities.North Carolina Central UniversityNorth CentralStudents
North Carolina Teaching FellowsThis program allows teacher candidates to attend one of the eight select EPP in the state (Elon, FSU, Meredith, NCAT, NCSU, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, and UNCP), receive financial assistance, provides networking opportunities, as well as individualized coaching and professional development.Statewide AllStudents
NC Teacher CadetThis program is an in-state teacher recruitment and leadership program designed to establish a healthy pipeline of diverse and high qualified educators. Teacher Cadet is implemented in cooperation with public school districts in North Carolina. This program is a structured course of study that gives students a positive and realistic view of the educational profession. StatewideAllStudents
ECU Partnership TEACHAn online degree model offered by ECU’s College of Education to increase the number of high-quality teachers in local communities. Students begin at NC CC’s and then transfer to ECU to complete their teaching degree. Students are placed in public schools within or near their communities throughout schooling.StatewideNortheastStudents
Profound GentlemenOrganization committed to building community of male TOC who provide profound impact on boys of color. They aim to develop, support, and retain male TOC.StatewideAllEducators
RAM ResidencyThis pathway to licensure is a one-year pathway, renewable up to two times for a total of three years. Individuals who wish to pursue North Carolina Residency License may apply for enrollment through the Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program or Second-Degree Program.Winton-Salem State UniversityPiedmont-TriadStudents
Opportunity CultureThis initiative leverages OC roles to provide intensive support to all teachers, paid career advancement, stronger teacher pipeline, and to expand the impact of teachers and staff within the classroom and school building through collaboration and leadership.StatewideAllEducators
Central Carolina Principal Preparation ProgramThis program is a joint NC Principal Fellows program of the Central Carolina RESA and NCCU. This program is design to prepare schools leaders to serve in high need schools. North Carolina Central UniversityNorth CentralSchool Leaders

Support & Retention Resources

Program NameProgram DescriptionInstitution/LocationRegionAudience Served
Durham Public Schools Office of Equity Affairs- Somos DPS LatinxThe Mission of Durham Public Schools Latinx Group is to provide support to Durham PS Latinx staff by creating a safe space where members can meet, network, and grow together as professionals.Durham Public SchoolsNorth CentralEducators, School Leaders
Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher LeadershipThe Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership at NC State empowers K-12 educators through summer internships with industry, high-value professional development and membership into a prestigious network of teacher leaders.North Carolina State UniversityNorth Central Educators
Opportunity Culture InitiativeIn the latest round of funding for the state’s Advanced Teaching Roles pilot, the North Carolina State Board of Education awarded grants to three districts that will implement Opportunity Culture roles—Halifax County and Hertford County in eastern North Carolina and Lexington City Schools in Davidson County.Halifax County, Hertford County, Davidson CountyNortheastEducators
PDS Educators of Color NetworkEducators of Color is a collaborative network of current and retired P-12 teachers and school leaders, university faculty and students who, together, envision and facilitate activities to recruit students of color into the teaching profession, retain current educators of color, and engage school partners in advocacy efforts to establish a broader, more diverse network of professionals. UNC-Wilmington Southeast Educators
Profound GentlemenProfound Gentlemen's mission is to build a community of male educators of color who provide a profound additional impact on boys of color. They develop, support and retain highly effective male teachers of color across the nation to positively affect the academic achievement of all children in traditional public and charter schools, with particular attention to the achievement of boys of color.Charlotte Mecklenburg County SouthwestEducators
Teacher Quality Partnership GrantProject TLC brings together three diverse cohorts of 12 teacher candidates, 36 in total, who complete customized curriculum and professional development leading to dual licensure in important subjects. Candidates will receive a $39,000 stipend and go on to teach at one of 12 identified CMS high-need schools, and receive two years of mentorship from a trained new teacher support coach.UNC- CharlotteSouthwestStudents
Asheville City Schools Foundation- Black Educators of ExcellenceIn order to create an inclusive and supportive culture for educators, Asheville City Schools Foundation and Asheville County Schools developed a cohort model with robust support for current Black staff and a innovative BIPOC recruitment and retention program. The Black Educator Excellence program includes tuition for current ACS faculty and staff to complete their degrees, cohort meeting expenses, book stipends, and graduation expenses.Asheville Western Educators
ECU's TFA PartnershipTeacher residency program designed to recruit, develop, and support diverse educator workforce in high needs areas.East Carolina UniversityNortheastStudents
NCSU Educational Leadership Academy (NELA)This program seeks to increase student achievement by preparing and retaining principals in high-poverty, hard-to-staff, and historically low-performing schools. North Carolina State University North Central School Leadership
First American Teacher Education Program (FATE)The goal of this program is to increase the number of highly qualified American Indian teachers who will teach in schools with significant American Indian student populations - through a comprehensive strategy that will include licensure preparation and induction support.UNC-PembrokeSandhillsStudents
Charlotte- Project LIFTThis is a partnership between The Cato College of Education, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Office of International Programs – funded by the Teacher Quality Partnership Grant. This residency program aims to attract a diverse group of teacher candidates to teach at one of 12 identified CMS high-need schools, and receive two years of mentorship from a trained new teacher support coach. Charlotte Mecklenburg County SouthwestStudents
Profound LadiesProfound Ladies recruits and retains Black, Indigenous, Women of Color and then equip women with the mentorship, training, leadership and career development pathways so their students will experience the impact of a thriving woman of color leading in classrooms, schools and communities.Statewide AllEducators
Marathon Teaching Institute (MTI)Designed to address the shortage of males of color in various education positions. This program provides students with financial assistance, peer-to-peer social and academic support, instructional support for licensure exams, job assistance upon graduation, mentoring, and networking opportunities.North Carolina Central UniversityNorth CentralStudents
CREEDThis program provides insights, research-based interventions, and organizational strategies to transform the experience of education in North Carolina through promoting deep and authentic engagement with issues, such as equity, gender, race, social justice, etc. through education.StatewideAllEducators, School Leaders
Jeanes Fellows ProgramThis program is a partnership between Dudley Flood Center and The Innovation Project (TIP). This program is designed to provide “consistent and intentional infrastructure to support community-school relationships using an equity lens”, utilizing a cohort model approach to support recruiting and retaining teachers of color.Statewide AllEducators
Profound GentlemenOrganization committed to building community of male TOC who provide profound impact on boys of color. They aim to develop, support, and retain male TOC.Statewide AllEducators
Opportunity CultureThis initiative leverages OC roles to provide intensive support to all teachers, paid career advancement, stronger teacher pipeline, and to expand the impact of teachers and staff within the classroom and school building through collaboration and leadership.Statewide AllEducators
Waston College of Education, Educators of Color NetworkEducators of Color is a collaborative network of current and retired P-12 teachers and school leaders, university faculty and students who, together, envision and facilitate activities to recruit students of color into the teaching profession, retain current educators of color, and engage school partners in advocacy efforts to establish a broader, more diverse network of professionals.Waston College of Education / UNC WilmingtonSoutheastEducators, School Leaders