Governing Principals | The School Calendar and Time For Learning: Considerations, Implications, and Complications



On top of typical summer learning loss, students now face #pandemic learning loss. On 8/24, @Hunt_Institute, @LtGovGilchrist (MI); @LouisianaLtGov; @MeganKuhfeld, @NWEA; and @ckmcguire, @Hewlett_Found discuss altering the academic calendar. Register:

In 2019, less than 133,000 U.S. #K12 schools were year-round. But this number could increase as districts attempt to mitigate #pandemic #LearningLoss. Join @Hunt_Institute on 8/24. @LtGovGilchrist @LouisianaLtGov @MeganKuhfeld @NWEA @ckmcguire Register:

During the #pandemic, year-round school has become a possible solution to #COVID19 #LearningLoss. On Tuesday, 8/24, @Hunt_Institute discusses with @LtGovGilchrist (MI); @LouisianaLtGov; @MeganKuhfeld, @NWEA; and @ckmcguire, @Hewlett_Found. Register:


As #pandemic #LearningLoss becomes evident, especially for students who have found #RemoteLearning challenging, some districts and schools have thought about replacing the traditional academic calendar with a year-round calendar. On Tuesday, August 24, The Hunt Institute will discuss with Lieutenant Governors Garlin Gilchrist (MI) & Billy Nungesser (LA), along with Dr. Megan Kuhfeld of NWEA and Kent McGuire of Hewlett Foundation. Register:

Proponents of year-round schooling say that the model protects vulnerable students from falling farther behind and offering more consistent wrap-around services. On Tuesday, August 24, The Hunt Institute hosts a conversation on the benefits of year-round schooling, especially as it pertains to overcoming the pandemic’s #UnfinisheLearning. Join this conversation with Lieutenant Governors Garlin Gilchrist (MI) & Billy Nungesser (LA), along with Dr. Megan Kuhfeld of NWEA and Kent McGuire of Hewlett Foundation. Register:


As #pandemic #LearningLoss becomes evident, especially for students who have found #RemoteLearning challenging, some districts and schools have thought about replacing the traditional academic calendar with a year-round calendar. Join The Hunt Institute on Tuesday, August 24 as we discuss benefits to this possible shift.

You can register for the webinar here: