Postsecondary Pathways | Supporting Transfer Students




On Thursday, Jan. 19, join The @Hunt_Institute for a #PostPathways webinar with Dr. Rachel Desmarais of @VanceGranville, @jdgailliard, and @StephanieSowl to discuss how policymakers and #Education leaders can best support transfer students. Register here:  

Looking forward to hearing from Dr. Rachel Desmarais of @VanceGranville, @jdgailliard, and @StephanieSowl on 1/19 as part of The @Hunt_Institute’s #PostPathways series on supporting transfer students in #HigherEd! Register here to attend:  


More than 2.1 million college students transferred between institutions in the academic year 2020-21, facing a variety of hurdles, both academic and non-academic. On Thursday, January 19th, The Hunt Institute will host a webinar that will engage policymakers and education leaders to learn more about what barriers transfer students face, how institutions can better support transfer students, and the ways state education policy influences the ability to transfer seamlessly between institutions. 

Register here to attend: 

#PostPathways #HigherEd #HigherEducation #HigherEducationMatters #Education #StudentSupport #SupportingStudents  


Hi (name), 

More than 2.1 million college students transferred between institutions in the academic year 2020-21, facing a variety of hurdles, both academic and non-academic.

On Thursday, January 19th, The Hunt Institute will host a webinar that will engage policymakers and education leaders to learn more about what barriers transfer students face, how institutions can better support transfer students, and the ways state education policy influences the ability to transfer seamlessly between institutions. 

Panelists include: 

  • Dr. Rachel Desmarais, President, Vance-Granville Community College 
  • The Honorable James Gailliard, North Carolina General Assembly, House of Representatives
  • Dr. Stephanie Sowl, Program Officer, ECMC Foundation 

Register here to attend: 

See you there!  

