Postsecondary Pathways | Simplifying the FAFSA Process to Promote Postsecondary Attainment




Join us on 4/11 for a #PostPathways webinar that will discuss simplifying the FAFSA process to promote postsecondary attainment. Register here:

Excited to hear @rachelaburns, @markwieds, and Jackie Copeland discuss simplifying the FAFSA process to promote postsecondary attainment on 4/11 as part of The @Hunt_Institute’s #PostPathways series. Register here to attend: 


In February 2024, approximately 26% of students in the across the nation submitted a FAFSA. This number is lower than the 43% of students who the Department of Education reported as FAFSA completers in February 2023. The Better FAFSA delay has affected institutions of higher education and states, but importantly, student completions of FAFSA. While it’s still early to assess just how impactful the Better FAFSA delay will be nationwide on FAFSA completion numbers, we know the FAFSA delay ultimately has implications for postsecondary attainment. As institutions and states address the delay, it’s important that both two- and four-year institutions have strategies to address FAFSA delays and postsecondary attainment.  

Join The Hunt Institute on 4/11 for a webinar series designed to provide policy makers and institution leaders insight into the Better FAFSA application and the implications it has on state FAFSA completion and attainment rates. Further, the webinar series will present strategies to consider when planning for the delay in Better FAFSA data. 

Register here: 

#HigherEd #HigherEdMatters #Education #EducationMatters #StudentSuccess


Hi (name), 

In February 2024, approximately 26% of students in the across the nation submitted a FAFSA. This number is lower than the 43% of students who the Department of Education reported as FAFSA completers in February 2023. The Better FAFSA delay has affected institutions of higher education and states, but importantly, student completions of FAFSA. While it’s still early to assess just how impactful the Better FAFSA delay will be nationwide on FAFSA completion numbers, we know the FAFSA delay ultimately has implications for postsecondary attainment. As institutions and states address the delay, it’s important that both two- and four-year institutions have strategies to address FAFSA delays and postsecondary attainment.  

Join The Hunt Institute on 4/11 for a webinar series designed to provide policy makers and institution leaders insight into the Better FAFSA application and the implications it has on state FAFSA completion and attainment rates. Further, the webinar series will present strategies to consider when planning for the delay in Better FAFSA data. 

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Rachel Burns, Senior Policy Analyst, State Higher Education Executive Officer Association (SHEEO)
  • Dr. Mark Wiederspan, Higher Education Consultant
  • Jackie Copeland, Associate Provost, Director of Scholarships and Student Aid, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Register here: 

See you there!  

