Race & Education | Promoting Diverse School Leader Pathways and Supports




 How can we ensure our school leaders of color feel supported? On 6/23, join The @Hunt_Institute for a conversation on diversifying school leaders & supporting principals of color. #edequity #edleadership #edleaders #raceandeducation Register: http://ow.ly/R0e250IAbNz 


On 6/23, The @Hunt_Institute will host a discussion centered on promoting diverse school leader pathways & supports. It’s going to be a great conversation, featuring experts from @WallaceFdn, @LeadershipAcad_, @RichlandTwo, @pgcps & @Latinos4Ed. Register: http://ow.ly/R0e250IAbNz #raceandeducation #edequity 


Principal pipelines are not equally accessible for educators of color. Looking forward to hearing from resource experts on how to diversify school leader pipelines and support for principals of color on 6/23 with The @Hunt_Institute. Register here: http://ow.ly/R0e250IAbNz  #edequity #edleadership 


Research affirms meaningful benefits for diversifying school leadership, including reducing stereotyping and unconscious biases and promoting greater acceptance and trust among students, improving interactions with community members that share their racial or ethnic background, and providing a nuanced perspective when developing academic programs targeting students of color. Yet, principal pipelines are not equally accessible for educators of color. Furthermore, as we go into the third year of the pandemic, school principals continue to feel the stress of staffing shortages and concerns about student wellness in their schools, leading to fears of principals leaving the field.  

What can states and districts do to recruit diverse school leaders, and how can we ensure our school leaders of color feel supported? Join @The Hunt Institute on June 23 for a conversation around diversifying school leader pipelines and supports for principals of color.  

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xJOd3rNhQj6HWheHLbrJ0w  


Hi (name), 


Research affirms meaningful benefits for diversifying school leadership, including reducing stereotyping and unconscious biases and promoting greater acceptance and trust among students, improving interactions with community members that share their racial or ethnic background, and providing a nuanced perspective when developing academic programs targeting students of color. Yet, principal pipelines are not equally accessible for educators of color. Furthermore, as we go into the third year of the pandemic, school principals continue to feel the stress of staffing shortages and concerns about student wellness in their schools, leading to fears of principals leaving the field.  

What can states and districts do to recruit diverse school leaders, and how can we ensure our school leaders of color feel supported? Join @The Hunt Institute on June 23 for a conversation around diversifying school leader pipelines and supports for principals of color.  


Panelists include: 

-Dr. Jody Spiro, Director of Education Leadership, The Wallace Foundation 

Dr. Mary Rice-Boothe, Access & Equity Officer, The Leadership Academy 

Dr. Baron R. Davis, Superintendent, Richland School District Two, South Carolina 

Dr. Ryan Daniel, Principal, Prince George’s County Public Schools, Maryland 

-Moderator: Amanda Fernandez, CEO & Founder, Latinos for Education 

You can register for the webinar here:  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xJOd3rNhQj6HWheHLbrJ0w  


See you soon! 


