Understanding how children with disabilities learn improves #EdEquity. On 3/30, @Hunt_Institute talks with Dr. @EddieArcia, @templecehd; @sarahsandelius, @abilitychalleng; Dr. Gisele Shorter, @RaikesFdn; @jackiemader, @hechingerreport. Register: bit.ly/3uFA4xc
How can new technology change the way we address individual learning needs? Join @Hunt_Institute; Dr. @EddieArcia, @templecehd; @sarahsandelius, @abilitychalleng; Dr. Gisele Shorter, @RaikesFdn; @jackiemader, @hechingerreport on 3/30! Register: bit.ly/3uFA4xc
Every student, no matter their ability, deserves a rich education. Join @Hunt_Institute; Dr. @EddieArcia, @templecehd; @sarahsandelius, @abilitychalleng; Dr. Gisele Shorter, @RaikesFdn; @jackiemader, @hechingerreport to talk #EdEquity. Register: bit.ly/3uFA4xc
In 2018, Jackie Mader wrote a Hechinger Report piece about students transitioning to life after high school. She found that schools often set the bar low for students with disabilities. In fact, only half of students with disabilities will enroll in a #postsecondary program. On Tuesday, 3/30, The Hunt Institute will talk about innovative ways to support students with disabilities across the education continuum. Panelists include Dr. Edward Fergus-Arcia of Temple University, Sarah Sandelius of The Ability Challenge, Dr. Gisele Shorter of Raikes Foundation, and Jackie Mader of The Hechinger Report. Register: bit.ly/3uFA4xc
To make sure all students have the opportunities and support they deserve at school, we must bring together perspectives from educators, learning and development experts, students, and parents. On Tuesday, 3/30, The Hunt Institute will talk with Dr. Edward Fergus-Arcia of Temple University, Sarah Sandelius of The Ability Challenge, Dr. Gisele Shorter of Raikes Foundation, and Jackie Mader of The Hechinger Report about #EdEquity and students with disabilities. Register: bit.ly/3uFA4xc
On Tuesday, 3/30, The Hunt Institute will discuss how strategies and new technological innovations will help all students achieve their potential in school and beyond. We thought you would be interested in joining our conversation about supporting students with disabilities as a means of achieving education equity. Panelists include:
- Edward Fergus-Arcia, Associate Professor of Urban Education and Policy, Temple University
- Sarah Sandelius, Founder, The Ability Challenge
- Gisele Shorter, Program Officer, Education, Raikes Foundation
- Jackie Mader, Multimedia Editor, Hechinger Report
You can register for the webinar here: bit.ly/3uFA4xc