Majority of Americans Believe the Common Core Will Help Education in the U.S. be more Globally Competitive
August 29, 2012
The recently released Phi Delta Kappan(PDK)/Gallup Poll shows that “most Americans (53%) believe that the common core standards will allow U.S. schools to compete globally, and that three of four Americans believe CCSS will provide consistency in the quality of education between school districts and states.” This is the first year that the poll, which measures the public’s attitudes toward public schools, includes questions about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Half of those polled believe the CCSS will improve the quality of education in their community’s schools.
The level of public support is encouraging given that the conversation regarding the Common Core State Standards at this stage has primarily been occurring among educators. Cultivating public support will be critical in order to provide the necessary supports needed to effectively implement the CCSS.
Click here to read the full report.