Readiness Matters ELL Success

June 4, 2014

Readiness Matters ELL Success

Take the Pledge and Stand with the National Council of LaRaza to Support the Common Core State Standards!



The following presentations were delivered at Readiness Matters | State Collaboration for Success on May 5-7, 2014, in Atlanta, GA. Hosted by The Hunt Institute, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), and the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), Readiness Matters fostered important conversations about ensuring that English Learners across the South are prepared for success in college and careers. Teams considered EL demographic and achievement trends, challenges, and opportunities as these students transition to new college and career ready standards and assessments and strategies for communication and engagement with parents and community members to improve their success.

Video 1: Understanding English Learners: Who They Are, Where They Are and How Well They Are Doing Academically

In this presentation, Kati Haycock, President of the Education Trust, deepens the understanding of English Learner achievement and what can be done to close the achievement gap.

Video 2: Understanding English Learners: Who They Are, Where They Are and How Well They Are Doing Academically

Dr. Jim Johnson, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at UNC-Chapel Hill, provides a demographic overview of English Learners in the U.S.

Video 3: Helping English Learners Successfully Transition to College and Career Ready Standards

This session explores how states and researchers are working together to bring the best practices on language development and other English Learner supports to help ensure all English Learners meet college and career ready standards. Presentation includes Dr. Mike Casserly, Executive Director of the Council of the Great City Schools; Chris Minnich, Executive Director of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and Dr. Kenji Hakuta, Co-Chair of Stanford University’sUnderstanding Language initiative. Moderated by Dr. Judith Rizzo, Executive Director and CEO of The Hunt Institute.

Video 4: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going: Helping English Learners Develop the Skills They Need to Succeed

David Coleman, President and Chief Executive Officer of College Board former lead architect of the Common Core State Standards, discusses the evolution of college and career ready standards with a specific focus on how the needs of English Learners have been considered at each stage and where there are still gaps to fill.

Video 5: The Education Challenges of English Learners

Video 6: The Importance of Preparing English Learners for College and Career Ready Standards

Video 7: State Strategies for English Learner Achievement

Video 8: Preparing Teachers to Support English Learner Achievement

Click here to watch the playlist.


These Teaching Channel videos highlight amazing teachers who demonstrate how to engage and celebrate ELL students and the classrooms in which they learn.

Dual Language Learners: Developing Literacy
Join Ms. Ngan’s young learners as she shows us how to help students develop expressive and receptive literacy skills.

Supporting ELLs Through Project-Based Learning
In this video, Mr. Wolf uses project-based learning as a way to help his ELL students develop scientific content knowledge and language skills.

Deeper Learning for English Language Learners
Take a look at how the Internationals Network for Public Schools program leverages students’ native language as a bridge to learning.




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