July 16, 2014
National PTA recently released a video series on the Common Core to educate parents on the standards and empower them to support the implementation of the standards at school and home. The series was developed in partnership with The Hunt Institute as part of the association’s ongoing efforts to provide accurate information about the Common Core, ensure parents are knowledgeable about the standards and new assessments, and support parents every step of the way as states transition to the standards.
The series features 14 videos that highlight the importance of and need for clear, consistent and rigorous standards; dispel myths about the Common Core; and provide perspectives from educators, administrators, PTA leaders and others on the positive changes they’ve seen with the standards. The videos also spotlight the steps PTAs can take to effectively advocate for the standards in their communities.
The series begins with the video “The Need for Improved Student Outcomes,” a brief overview of the Common Core.
The Common Core State Standards have experienced growing pains since their inception and there is still work to be done, but the standards are vast improvement over previous academic standards.
We encourage you to watch the videos in the series and share them with your members as well as families in your school community. Together, we can educate and empower parents with accurate information about the Common Core. It is critical that we raise the bar in all schools and remain committed to ensuring that all students graduate prepared to succeed.
For more information on the Common Core and to view resources that have been developed on the standards, visit National PTA’s Common Core website.
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