Our thanks to Phillip Lovell, Vice President of Policy Development and Government Relations at the Alliance for Excellent Education, for presenting on this week’s The Intersection: A Biweekly Education Policy Conversation. Phillip joined us to provide an update on what’s happening in education policy at the federal level.
Key Takeaways:
States should do more in their ESSA plans | As the ESSA state plan approval process moves forward, the Alliance believes many states have room for improvement in their plans, especially with respect to differentiating between subgroups of students and identifying low-performing schools.
Don’t expect Congressional action just because it’s an election year | There is little evidence to suggest that the 2018 campaign season will motivate swifter action on key education policy issues like DACA, The Higher Education Act, and The Perkins Act. When it comes to the details around these legislative issues, there’s still a lot left to be worked out.
Legislative inaction doesn’t mean nothing’s happening | Ongoing, behind-the-scenes conversations are impacting policy development every day. Now is the time for education stakeholders to reach out to federal policymakers to provide their input. Once a bill has been released to the public, it will be much more difficult to influence than when it’s in draft form.
For more on our conversation with Phillip, check out the full webinar below!
We hope you’ll join us for our next webinar on Wednesday, March 28th, at 1pm (EST). We look forward to talking with Dr. Courtney Brown from The Lumina Foundation who will discuss the 2018 update to their educational attainment report A Stronger Nation.
Stay tuned and follow us via Twitter (#HIWebinar) for details on how to register.