The Intersection

The Intersection Webinar Recap: Alliance for Excellent Education

October 12, 2018

Our thanks to Anne Hyslop from Alliance for Excellent Education for presenting on this week’s The Intersection: A Biweekly Education Policy Conversation. Anne joined us to share findings from her recent report Meaningful Inclusion of Subgroups in ESSA Accountability Systems, All4Ed’s recent two-page equity analysis of ESSA state plans, which summarizes all state plans on the two most important equity indicators from the Alliance’s previously created “Equity Dashboards,” which are: (1) inclusion of subgroups in school ratings and (2) definitions of “consistently underperforming” used to identify schools for targeted support and improvement. 

Key Takeaways:

  • ONE | Only three states, Colorado, Georgia, and Nevada, were found to include all subgroups in both measures analyzed, indicating that most states did not meaningfully include subgroup data in their ESSA plans.
  • TWO | Only 17 states included all ESSA subgroups in all school ratings, and only 6 states used a definition of “consistently underperforming” that measures and pinpoints key measures in which subgroups are struggling.
  • THREE | Policymakers should take a close look at how their state includes subgroup data in their ESSA plans and consider the accessibility of this data to parents.

For more on our conversation with Anne, please check out the full webinar below!

We hope you’ll join us for our next webinar on Wednesday, October 24, at 1pm (EST). We look forward to talking with Katie Rosenbalm, Senior Research Scientist at the Duke Center for Child & Family Policy who will share her research on how schools can become trauma-informed through program implementation and evaluation for self-regulation development and trauma-sensitive schools.

Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter for details on how to register.

See you at the Intersection,
The Hunt Team




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