The Hunt Institute Releases “Attainment for All” Policy Brief Series

March 11, 2020

Over the last six months, The Hunt Institute released a series of policy briefs, “Attainment for All: Postsecondary Pathways,” that highlighted scalable state-level strategies to boost postsecondary attainment rates among specific student subpopulations including recent high school graduates, first-generation students, and adult learners.

The third policy brief, released March 11, 2020, focuses on data-driven student interventions, which leverages student data, along with technological advancements in Student Information Systems (SISs), to pioneer new approaches that policymakers can use to help students succeed.

The second policy brief, released January 21, 2020, focused on reverse transfer, which ensures students who have earned credit across multiple institutions of higher education receive the certificates or degrees that they have earned or helps students determine the remaining steps necessary for completion.

The first of three briefs, released September 17, 2019, focused on the early college high school model, which allows students to earn a significant amount of college credit, and in some cases an associate degree or credential, by the time they graduate from high school.

“Attainment for All: Postsecondary Pathways” Resources: 


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