HLC Final Report: Recommendations to Improve North Carolina’s Education System
April 25, 2022
The Hunt-Lee Commission released its final report, which includes 16 recommendations to improve public education in North Carolina. The report was endorsed unanimously by all commission members, setting the stage for a productive bipartisan approach to addressing actionable policy levers that can move the needle for students.
Click the thumbnail to read the full brief.
The commission, named after four-term North Carolina Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., and Institute Board Members Senators Howard Lee and Michael Lee, convened leaders from across North Carolina, including from education, business, government, and philanthropy. Together, they came together for four meetings to study critical topics spanning the education continuum:
Each meeting included presentations from resource experts and opportunities for Q&A and small group discussions. The final report summarizes those discussions, as well as feedback Commissioners shared on earlier drafts.