OHLR23 Staff Social Media Kit

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Promotional Posts - Twitter & LI


Repost Hunt Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hunt_Institute/status/1627665928845422593

Repost Hunt LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7033431621668134912


  • Excited for the Ohio Legislators Retreat in Columbus this week, where we will spend 2 days engaging with OH legislators in critical #Education conversations! Stay tuned with The @Hunt_Institute for live updates! #OHLR23
  • Looking forward to this week’s Ohio Legislators Retreat with my #THIteam at The @Hunt_Institute. Can’t wait to see OH policymakers gather and engage with resource experts on critical #Education topics affecting Ohio’s students. #OHLR23

LinkedIn Post #1:

Excited for the Ohio Legislators Retreat this week, where we will spend 2 days engaging with legislators in critical #Education conversations! Stay tuned with us on Twitter by following @Hunt_Institute for live updates!

To learn more about the program and our State Legislators Retreat model, visit our website: https://hunt-institute.org/programs/state-legislators-retreats/  

#OHLR23 #StateLegislatorsRetreat #SLR #Education #EducationPolicy #EducationConversations #EducationMatters