December 15, 2021
The COVID Constituency is a project developed by The Hunt Institute, in collaboration with Governor Bob Wise, former U.S. congressman and governor of West Virginia. The project seeks to collect firsthand experiences, perceptions, and priorities from...
December 2, 2021
The COVID Constituency is a project developed by The Hunt Institute, in collaboration with Governor Bob Wise, former governor of West Virginia. The project seeks to collect firsthand experiences, perceptions, and priorities from students, parents,...
November 16, 2021
Nineteen months into the pandemic, we are beginning to understand more about unfinished learning. We know this phenomenon has impacted students of color, students with disabilities, English language learners, and students from low-income backgrounds...
November 15, 2021
The federal Build Back Better Act, now under consideration by Congress, would expand child care subsidy benefits to families making 250% or less of their state’s median income. Using a copayment system similar to that utilized by health...
November 5, 2021
The federal Build Back Better Act proposes to expand child care subsidies for American families, creating a copayment system similar to that used in medical insurance. Families will, based on family income, pay anywhere between zero and seven...
November 1, 2021
Page updated December 12, 2021 On November 19, 2021, the U.S. House passed H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. Aspects of the $1.75 billion spending proposal hold the potential to fundamentally transform America’s early care and education...
October 29, 2021
The COVID Constituency is a project developed by The Hunt Institute, in collaboration with Governor Bob Wise, former governor of West Virginia. The project seeks to collect firsthand experiences, perceptions, and priorities from students, parents,...
September 29, 2021
The COVID Constituency project was developed by The Hunt Institute, in collaboration with Governor Bob Wise, former congressman and governor of West Virginia. Through the project, we seek to collect the firsthand COVID experiences, perceptions, and...
August 30, 2021
Wednesday, August 11 After going virtual for last year's Hunt-Kean Leadership Fellows convenings, we were excited to bring together Cohorts 6 & 7 of our Fellows — education-minded state policymakers — for three days of education policy...
August 28, 2021
The Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to child well-being and safety, among them being the rise in child abuse and neglect. As stated in the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)(42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g),...