
For 20 years, The Hunt Institute has been a magnetic force, attracting policymakers from both sides of the aisle who are interested in improving education. We are motivated to build upon Governor Jim Hunt’s legacy to connect education leaders and create positive change in education policy, not only in North Carolina, but also across the nation.

The Campaign

This campaign aims to celebrate The Hunt Institute’s 20 years of hard work, with a look back on major milestones over the years, and an emphasis on our current and future national efforts.

  • Sunday, May 16-Monday May 17 | Launch of campaign; coincides with Governor Jim Hunt’s birthday.
  • May 24 – October 18 | Social Media Campaign; each week represents one year of The Hunt Institute. During this time, we will share content related to the history as well as present day of The Institute.
  • October 25  – December 31 | 20th anniversary compilation content will be shared.

What Can You Do as a Member of our Team?

  • Share our content! We would appreciate you sharing anniversary content over the course of the campaign. Here is a link to our Twitter account. Below, we’ve included some Tweets you can use if you’d like to do an original tweet.
  • Bookmark this page and check back here often! We’ll send periodic reminders for you to return here throughout the campaign to find suggested posts, and hope you will help us celebrate!

Week of July 15 Tweets

2008 Graphic – Please save this image and include in any posts!

Here is a direct link for retweeting.

Have you had a chance to check out @Hunt_Institute’s timeline? To celebrate 20 years, the organization is taking a look back at its history. Catch up on the first eight years! #Connect4Ed #THI20

Here at @Hunt_Institute, we feel honored each day to work under the legacy of Governor Hunt. Our multimedia timeline, created in celebration of two decades of work takes a look back at our organization’s beginnings. #Connect4Ed #THI20

In 2008, our convenings focused on closing #OpportunityGaps and enhancing #EdEquity — two things we continue so press on today. When students’ life outcomes improve, so do the communities and states they call home . #Connect4Ed #THI20

The Education Continuum Video


Over the past 20 years, The Hunt Institute has spurred new thinking across the education continuum. From prenatal care and #EarlyChildhood to #postsecondary and the workforce — all of it is important to us. Hear from the team in our new video:

At The Hunt Institute, we care about the entire education continuum, from prenatal and #EarlyChildhood to #postsecondary and the workforce. In our new video, The Institute’s team sits down to talk about how we’ve evolved over the last 20 years.

Graphics & Video

Get more clicks by including one of these multimedia pieces in your social posts!

20th Anniversary Social Media Graphic

20th Anniversary Video

