May 22, 2013
In a letter to Republican National Committee Chairman, Reince Priebus, John Engler, former Michigan governor and current president of the Business Roundtable, made a strong case as to why the Republican Party should support the Common Core State Standards. Governor Engler urged the support of the Republican Party on behalf of 200 or more chief executive officers from across the country.
From the business leaders perspective, Governor Engler stressed to Chairman Priebus the critical relevance of the Common Core State Standards. In addition, he clarified that the Common Core State Standards are not national standards, but, in fact, standards designed by each state and according to specific needs.
“As America’s business leaders, we firmly believe that the Common Core State Standards are critical to building and maintaining an American workforce that can compete in the global economy, and we believe their adoption and implementation are inextricably linked to the success of our nation and our children.
We cannot turn back on this tremendous state-led effort, for if we fail to prepare all students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive world, they, and our economy will suffer.”
Read Governor John Engler’s letter here.
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