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Teacher Driven CCSS Implementation

...classrooms again. Based on feedback and teacher reflections, the response from all teachers was overwhelmingly positive. Professional development modules from have been used for all Instructional Practice Guide trainings and SAP recently launched...

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Higher Education Standardized Testing During COVID-19

...been able to ensure that the access to and availability of test administrations, the quality of the testing experience, and the integrity and validity of test scores are preserved consistently.” Current Alternatives While standardized exams have long been a...

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Sample Page

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like...

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2024-2025 JMBIF Application Social Media Kit

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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JMBIF Application Social Media Kit

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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Javaid September Oped SM Kit

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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Lumina Brief SM Kit

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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WCHL and Chapelboro: The Hunt-Lee Report: Finding Solutions for Education, That Might Actually Pass

Read and listen online here. By: Aaron Keck When it comes to improving public education in North Carolina, what approaches are the most effective – and also politically feasible? That’s the question at the center of a new report on education by the Hunt-Lee...

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Ed Data in the Time of COVID-19 | How Reliable and Valid Are Student Growth Data, Especially with a Year of Missing Data?

As policymakers across the country grapple with how to administer 2021 assessments, The Hunt Institute and Data Quality Campaign have hosted a series of webinars highlighting different aspects of measuring student growth this year. During these webinars, we’ve...

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Race and Education Social Media Kit 7/25/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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A Milestone on the Road to Next-Generation Assessments

We are at an exciting time in the development of the Smarter Balanced assessment system. After extensive collaboration with educators and content experts, the Consortium released a set of sample items and performance tasks in early October. This release provides an...

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myFutureNC Blog Series: College Foundation of North Carolina | Supporting Students to Plan, Apply, and Pay for College

...guiding their students to complete the FAFSA, including specific reporting on their school’s FAFSA filers. Students may need help beyond print or online resources, and many high school students aren’t even considering post-secondary options. CFNC offers...

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2023 Across the Aisle Report: 2024 Voters Communicate “Core Values” for Education – Want Real-World Skills, Safe Schools, and Literacy

...challenges, perceptions, and priorities of voters and parents. Policy briefs, blog posts, and op-ed publications that highlight key education issues and solutions for recovery. Webinars highlighting public priority topics, stakeholder engagement, and our survey findings....

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The Persistent Digital Divide

...connectivity they need to complete schoolwork at home— that is growing as many lower-income and rural students have trouble keeping up with online assignments because of their lack of internet access. The digital divide has been undermining the academic success of...

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Javaid Student Loans SM Kit

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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New, Free Resource for Implementing the Common Core resource. But that’s not all we’re doing for CCSS this fall. In addition to the EduCore tool, ASCD will provide even more support for nationwide CCSS implementation this fall through a series of new, free webinars that provide educators actionable...

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A Balancing Act: Choosing Fewer and Higher-Quality High School Tests

...complicated but really important issues: Are tests like the ACT and SAT useful for students who are headed straight to the workforce? How important is it to measure and report on what students are supposed to be learning before they graduate (based on state standards) as...

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Supporting Child Care During the Crisis

...the virus, who – through their participation in classroom groupings – may increase the likelihood of community spread to both their teachers and the families of other essential workers. While states are wisely limiting the size of classroom groupings within...

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Post Pathways Social Media Kit 4/11/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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Supporting Children with Limited Broadband and/or Technological Access left to states, and for the past year, broadband expansion has been a top-of-mind issue for lawmakers, and legislative activity has reflected such. In the 2021 legislative session, 47 states have pending legislation addressing broadband in multiple issue areas,...

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Policymakers, Gubernatorial Staff, Local Leaders, and System Leaders Convene in Las Vegas for the 2024 Early Childhood Leadership Summit

**** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 4, 2024 Contact: Moriah Martin | (240) 272-3379 Las Vegas, NV – On Wednesday, September 4 – September 6, 2024, The Hunt Institute will host the annual Early Childhood Leadership Summit to...

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Intersection Reflections: April 2022 Virtual Events

...Hearing and Supporting Native/Indigenous Students Contact If you have any questions about this webinar or series, please contact Julia Ahrns Hoffman, Associate Policy Analyst, at Breaking Partisan Lines: How Leading Education Policy Voices...

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A Tough Balancing Act: Considerations for State Testing Plans

...non-fiction texts; the writing of a well-defended claim that uses evidence drawn from multiple sources; and the selection and application of multiple mathematical skills and procedures to solve a complex problem. Are they important enough to include in your testing...

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Post Pathways Social Media Kit 7/11/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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Ed Homeroom Social Media Kit 1/18/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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The Hunt Institute Releases Updated Early Childhood Landscape Narratives

As policymakers and education advocates look to build and strengthen early childhood systems in their states, there are many questions they must consider: What programs are currently provided by my state? How many families benefit — and how many need access but...

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Missing Students & the Equity Implications for Student Growth Data

...of test takers may not be comparable. Fewer test takers could influence a state’s understanding of the pandemic’s impact on student learning. It would be important for the state to consider which groups of students are missing. Are they spread across the...

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Supporting Two-Year Universities During COVID-19

The Challenge COVID-19 has threatened college completion for millions of students and exacerbated inequities in higher education. Last fall, institutions of higher education (IHEs) noticed a concerning trend: low-income students are most likely to drop out or not enroll in...

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1MToC Webinar Social Media Kit 1/23/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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Be A Learning Hero: New Public Service Partnership for Parents to Help Kids Succeed

...greatly from the insights and resources of organizations that have been doing this work for years. They helped us identify resources that already exist and co-create materials that parents have said they need. In collaboration with the National PTA, Scholastic,...

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Race and Education Social Media Kit 4/16/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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Inside the Instructional Materials Taskforce, Part 2: (Unexpected) Lessons Learned adapting or supplementing their curricula to better meet the Common Core Standards. For example, one of the IMT districts found that its current curriculum didn’t include sequenced texts on the same topic – something that is necessary to help build content...

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Post Pathways Social Media Kit 8/6/2024

According to a @GLSEN survey, more than 50% of Native & Indigenous LGBTQ students felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. On Thursday, 2/4, @Hunt_Institute talks race & gender. Register: @GLSEN @TransRigo @TransEquality...

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State Responses to Child Neglect and Abuse During and After COVID-19 Related Closures

...London for cases of abusive head trauma, which included cases of brain bleeding and skull fractures. The monthly average for such cases at this hospital was 0.67 cases in the three years preceding the shutdown. UNICEF is also researching the impact the pandemic is having...

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Teaching is at the Heart of Education

...student learning, depends on one thing to start with: a quality teacher. The national board and national board certification is a link to quality. Teachers who are national board certified are true professionals, at the top of their field, who deserve the highest...

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